As summer continues to heat up and energy costs spike, we can’t help but think back to the soundtrack of our childhood summers with parents yelling, “Shut the door! Are you trying to cool the whole block?!” and “Switch off the lights! Do you think money grows on trees?!”

Unfortunately, our parents were right. Money, in fact, does not grow on trees. But that doesn’t mean we can’t save some serious dollars and cents today by changing a few simple, but potentially costly, habits. Check out these energy-saving tips that may help you lower those utility bills once and for all.
Use a fan
Here in Northwest Arkansas, one of the first things we tend to do when the summer heat arrives is reach for the thermostat. But according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, activating a ceiling fan can make a room feel 10 degrees cooler and uses just 10 percent of the energy that a central air conditioner uses.

Install a better bulb
The thought of changing out light bulbs sounds both irritating and rather minor, but once you see the illuminating bang you get for your buck by changing from traditional incandescent bulbs to light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, there will be no turning back. According to the US Department of Energy, residential LEDs use at least 75 percent less energy – and last 25 times longer – than incandescent lighting.
Cover your windows
If you have uncovered windows that get blasted with afternoon sun, then you can count on the interior of your house also getting blasted. One way to avoid the stark rise in room temperature that often results from the blazing sun is to make sure your curtains, drapes, and blinds are all closed. This simple practice has a measurable impact on lowering the temperature of the room, and thus, lowering your utility bill.
The Smaller, The Better
Firing up the large kitchen oven during the summer heat acts as a double whammy on your utility bill. For one, it makes your house hotter, which then needs to be cooled. And two, ovens use much more energy than their smaller counterparts. If possible, instead of baking that chicken recipe, try using the much more energy-efficient air fryer, toaster oven, or microwave. They’ll save both the room temperature – and your energy costs!
And if you DO use the oven, keep that door closed! Every time you open the oven door, the temperature can drop 25 degrees. This means more energy will be needed to raise the temp in the oven, plus the escaping heat will contribute to your home temperature rising. Just use the handy glass window in the oven door to peek in on your latest delicacy.
Seal, Seal, Seal
Finally, one of the best ways to keep the cool inside, and the heat outside, is to seal up the cracks in your walls, doors, and windows, and use weather stripping wherever possible. Plus, many homes don’t have enough insulation in their walls and attics. Adding insulation can have a massive effect on keeping your home’s temperature at an even keel.
So let’s change the tune of that summer soundtrack to “Look at these savings!” Just taking advantage of a few of these energy-saving and cooling tips can help ensure that summer bills don’t burn a hole in your wallet.

Reach out to Southern Tradition Real Estate,
4700 S. Thompson Street, Suite B-101Springdale, AR 72764 (479)-365-2585
to find an agent who fits your home buying or selling needs.